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This month, a first in this newsletter: an interview! Scroll down to read more...
My news
Honestly? I mostly took a breather this month! I worked on a couple projects, but nothing major. Nothing to report here! 😁
Last month's survey results are in!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill the survey! I really appreciated the feedback, and I must say, it was overwhelmingly positive! I'm really glad lots of people seem to enjoy the newsletter, and I appreciate the morale boost! 😀 Another great thing: basically everyone who replied to the survey told me they read the article every month, which is great - these articles take me quite a bit of time, so I'm very happy to know they're appreciated!!

Other parts of the survey were inconclusive: some like articles on the history whereas others prefer the technical ones, there's players and makers, anglophones and non-anglophones... It looks like I can't please everyone every month, sorry 😆 But you'll note that I tend to cycle through these themes, so if you don't like one month's article, you'll probably like the next one ! But I cannot commit to strictly alternate between themes, because, uh, some months I don't even know what I'm going to talk about up until a few days before the deadline! 😅

Anyway, glad everyone is enjoying all this!
Community news
Things are pretty quiet in the summer... The PunyInform Discord server is pretty quiet, and it seems like my colleagues Stefan and Davide are taking a break from text adventures, just like me. But I still was able to find some interesting stuff to mention here! 🙂
  • Stephen Illingworth has very recently announced he completed an experimental port of Scott Adams' Adventureland for the... Atari 2600! Of course there isn't a keyboard, but the Atari 2600 had a number pad, which makes input slightly easier. It's very cool, I didn't think we'd see a text adventure for the Atari 2600 !
  • Uto has updated DAADReady, his package full of tools, scripts, and templates to start with the DAAD format. He fixed a few bugs in the templates, and added a new interpreter, one for PC with VGA 256 colors. Grab version 0.4 here.
  • The Duckology Advanced Research Centre has released a new z3 game, "Duck! Me?", along with disk images for the BBC Micro and the 8-bit Ataris. If "an 1980s/Infocom style text adventure featuring Duck as the protagonist" sounds like your cuppa, head over to the game's page; it's still in beta, but very much in an advanced state!
  • Shaun McClure, author of several books on ZX Spectrum games ("A guide to ZX Spectrum Games" - and even though each only covers a couple of years, they sound massive), is now working on "A guide to ZX Spectrum Adventure Games - 1982-1990". It'll be... 800 pages (!!) and contain developer interviews. It seems like it's currently sitting at the proofreading stage, so it might come out in the next few months!
  • Tim Gilberts has released a video this month on the very first adaptation of Crowther and Woods' Adventure on microcomputers: a version released on the Heathkit H8, a venerable microcomputer sold in kits around 1977. It is a very interesting video, and the hat is just awesome 😁
This month's article
I had a little help this month, as Juanjo Muñoz was kind enough to say yes to an interview with me! Juanjo is a very important figure of the Spanish text adventure scene: he created the largest Spanish-language community centered around adventure games, CAAD, way back in 1988 - and it's been active all these years! In this interview, he talks a little bit about the history of games, but also about how a community like this can keep going for so long! A big thanks to Juanjo, and long live the Spanish adventure community!
Read the article
See you soon!
Thanks again for reading this newsletter! Can't believe it's been going for the better part of a year now... See you soon for more news and interesting articles about your favorite genre 🙂
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